Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm not finished with my robot girls yet, but I needed something new to work on. I posted a picture on here previously of some vintage Playboys I'd tracked down at a garage sale. Well, when I actually opened them up and started looking through them I realized what an awesome find I actually had. One of the photo sets was actually based on sketches done for Playboy by Salvador Dali.

I know, right?

Anyway, the whole set was awesome but there was one picture that caught my eye immediately and I knew I had to do something with it.

It's just so creepy in all the right ways.

So I did some sketching and I changed a few things here and there to suit my tastes and here's what I ended up with.

Done on some cheapo pink cotton which actually sucked way more than I had expected to work with. It's mostly in shades of black and grey with the exception of the nipples because for some reason those have to be as realistic as possible for me. I am a nipple perfectionist.

I'm very happy with how the hair turned out except for the fact that the lady on the right seems a tad bit uneven. I may go back in and fix that, I haven't decided yet. I'm not crazy about how her face turned out though. I had a really tough time with it for some reason. I think I was working with too long a needle and it inhibited the amount of detail I could achieve a bit.

But, I love the way this turned out.

And although from the picture you can hardly tell because the greys all kinda blend together, this is about five different shades of and it took about two hours to complete.

That's about all there is to say for now except that you haven't seen the last of this Dali set. I will be working up some more stuff from this, really soon.

This embroidery brought to you by: Randy "Macho Man" Savage

Oooooh yeeeah!

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